The Modern day “Bride price”- Fusion style!
A bride price, also known as bride wealth, is a payment made by the Groom or his family to the parents of the Bride upon the marriage. In some cultures as soon as this is paid, even up to a year before the actual wedding the couple are considered married.
The payment can take the form of livestock, money, property, or even expensive fabric. Whatever it is… the boy has got to pay!
The important thing to remember is the symbolism attached to the payment not the actual payment itself.
So what happens when girl from East meets boy from West and the bride price still need to be paid?
Modern grooms can offer jewellery, a Saville row suit for dad, a pair of Choos for mum, even a holiday for the Bride’s parents. The important thing to remember is the symbolism attached to the payment not the actual payment itself.
Grooms, here are 5 easy tips to help your bride:
- Reassure your Bride that you respect her customs and traditions. Try to understand what the Bride price means to her and her Bride’s family
- Meet with the Bride’s parents, preferably at their home where they will be comfortable. If the Bride’s parents live outside the UK then arrange to talk to a well respected family member. Ask a friend of the Bride who is from the same culture as her to accompany you. Her family will appreciate your effort.
- Be honest about your resources and have a clear idea what you are able to offer.
- Be patient, chances are everyone else is just as nervous as you about it!
- Celebrate the moment! For the actual payment, why not have a small party and invite friends from a different culture.
A big thank you to Julia Thompson for writing this article! Julia is a London based wedding planner who specialises in “Fusion Weddings” and can be contacted on 0208 914 8959, Twitter, Facebook or

Fantastic article Julia! Very good advice for men who are in multicultural relationships and want to take it further to marriage. The bride price may be a deterrent in these situations but your suggestions make good sense and are easy to act upon. Come on guys, take the next step!!!!