Attending a Destination Wedding as a Guest: Part 3
If you have been following our series on attending a destination wedding as a guest, Tasha our roving reporter in Jamaica has still not reached her destination after more than 17 hours of travelling! Let’s catch up with her third instalment and see how she fares on the final leg of her journey to get to that destination wedding on time!
The journey to the hotel was bumpy! He warned that if all went well it would be a further 2.5 hrs of travelling!!! Next tip – get your tour operators to choose the airport nearest to your final destination. We were warned, but as we had a very tight window when booking we had to make do.
So far we’d been travelling 17.5 hours! Next tip – wear sensible clothing! It’s unlikely you would have opportunity to change so a layered option is always good as by now you’d be roasting if you were still donning UK appropriate apparel! A track suit with a vest top underneath is a perfect travelling outfit.
The driver warned we would encounter hilly and winding roads, and he was not wrong! As we approached bends which were at 90 degree angles, I must confess apprehension!
We arrived unscathed and very relieved! But we arrived at the wrong one of the two main sites – top tip – if you are staying somewhere with more than one site, check your holiday itinerary and tell your driver which one you are booked in. It just saves a little bit of time and annoyance of unloading and reloading the van and driving back to another site!
When we arrived, we were treated like royalty – we tipped the driver discreetly as hotel policy is against tipping. If the recipient is caught they will lose their jobs! You can tip in US or JA $ But sterling is definitely more sought after.
The reception was beautiful and so was our room. The height of elegance.
Arriving at 9pm and after the poor plane meals we had to endure, we headed straight for the nearest food!
The restaurants were finishing up for the night, but a grill was due to open at 10.30pm. To kill time we sat at the bar to get a drink. Woe betide you, if you confess to being a tee-totaller however! Let’s just say I was glad when the grill opened – the bar tender good as chased us around trying to pour cocktails down our throats! I helped myself to some jerk chicken before heading off to get some well earned rest!
Till next time….. Tasha……ZZZZ… over to HQ.