Man up! Father’s Day Wedding Suit Inspiration
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers, pops, daddies and big Uncle Joes who gave us sweets when our mums weren’t looking, tried to teach us to ride a bike and when we looked back we realised they had let go of the back of the bike and we promptly fell over, taught us to stand up to bullies, picked us from school in a beat up old truck, taught us not to be sacred of spiders, told us to knuckle down at school and promised to beat our first boyfriends to pulp if they messed with us and promptly told our future husband-to-be the same too… and most importantly they will be there on our big day walking us down the aisle, giving embarassing speeches, laughing with us and sharing in our joy!
So without further ado, here is some inspiration for father of the bride wedding suits to make sure your Dad looks dapper on your wedding day!
Top: Pink Bubbles Waistcoat, Lilac Suit, Burgundy silk dupion single breasted Frock coat from Anthony Formal Wear
Bottom: Suits from Jack Bunneys Suit Hire
Left: Prince William white suit from Black Tie Showroom
Middle: Vintage Hardy Amies tuxedo jacket with satin collar, Purple 1960s vintage fancy wool suit, 1970s vintage silk tie from Tweedmans Vintage.
Right: Camel Suit from Anthony Formal Wear

I have just added some fabulous grooms vintage wedding suits to the website and many more 2 & 3 piece vintage wedding suits about to arrive : )
Denise @ Vintage Whistles
Hello, just a quick update… Vintage Whistles is now called Tweedmans Vintage and can be found at , nothing has changed but the name : )