How to prevent sunburn on honeymoon
I used to think that if you had black skin you couldn’t get sunburnt due to the higher levels of melanin – I soon found out that was not the case on a trip to Lanzarote when all my shoulders started to peel off! Ouch! Needless to say I make sure that I make sure my skin is always protected now!
Ultrasun is a new preservative and perfume free sun protection that offers protection against UVB and UVA rays. It only needs to be applied once a day. A big thank you to Ultrasun for sharing with us a few timely tips to make sure you don’t get sunburnt on honeymoon!
Always apply sun protection to cool, clean, dry skin in the shade (ideally indoors) 15-30 minutes before you go into the sun. It’s important that this step is followed regardless of what sun cream brand you choose as if applied in direct sun-light, sun cream applied to skin can evaporate before it has a chance to bond with the skin and therefore becomes less effective. You are more likely to miss bits if you are rushed for time.
Also, ensure you apply enough sun cream to your body. The official guidelines given by Colipa (Association of European Cosmetic Industry) are 2mg/cm2 – this approximately corresponds to one teaspoon worth for the face).
Other sun safety considerations…
Avoid the sun between 11am and 3pm when it is at its strongest and risk of skin damage is high. Take plenty of shade at this time and remember to drink plenty of water to avoid the risk of dehydration.
Beware of the reflection factor – water, concrete, sand, snow etc. can intensify the radiation by up to 85%.
Skin that is not used to the sun is less able to protect itself. Under the influence of UV rays, the skin begins to thicken and starts producing melanin. These processes take 10-20 days to take place, so use extra protection while your skin is adjusting to the sun.
Try and take a shade break for just 5 minutes in every hour. This will allow the skin to begin its natural recovery process and reduce the risk of sun trauma.
After sunbathing, the skin needs a regeneration time of at least 12-14 hours. During this time, some of the damage to cells will be repaired, so ensure you use a good quality aftersun product that will help to accelerate this process by ensuring the skin is hydrated.
Remember to drink plenty of water! This will ensure that your skin (and body) stays hydrated throughout the day.
Use skin protection products with an SPF20 or above, preferably free from oils, emulsifiers and fragrance as these are the main causes of allergic responses.
If you are taking little nippers on honeymoon with you, remember:
Infants and children especially should always wear brimmed hats or a cap with a cloth flap that covers the back of the neck to protect their scalps from burning. Remember the 3s rule – sunhat, shirt and sun cream.
Children’s eyes can be more sensitive to UV light than those of adults, so they need protection. Invest in a good pair of sunglasses for your child with 100% UV filtration; toy sunglasses may provide no protection at all.
Where possible, make sure your infants and children wear loose-fitting clothing – some manufacturers are now making clothes with built in sun protection.
You can find Ultrasun in all the regular places – QVC, John Lewis,Waitrose, Debenhams and also at all airport “duty free” shops if you haven’t managed to stock up before your big day! Or order direct on 01737 245 499.